On April 16 (4), 1866, a large crowd of onlookers gathered at the central gates of the Summer Garden. Everyone wanted to see the emperor, who was supposed to leave the garden after a walk. Alexander II loved to walk around the Summer Garden. For the safety of the emperor, the audience was removed from the garden, the gate was closed so that no one interfered with the promenade.
When Alexander II, after walking with his nephew Duke of Leuchtenberg and the niece of the Princess of Baden, left the gates of the Summer Garden, a shot was heard. Dmitriy Karakozov fired at the Emperor almost at point-blank range. The bullet would have hit the target, but the rifleman pushed the idler standing next to him. He was a peasant Osip Komissarov, who for saving the king’s life was made in the nobility and given a reward.
In memory of the emperor’s salvation from death on the spot of the attempt, it was decided to erect a majestic temple. But Alexander II ordered the creation of a small chapel, pointing out the need for as tactfully as possible to fit it into the fence of the Summer Garden.
In 1867, on the site of the central gate appeared a chapel in the name of St. Alexander Nevsky, built according to the project of architect R.I. Kuzmina. To enter the Summer Garden to the chapel were moved side gate of the Nevsky fence, had to move and 12 columns.
After 1917, the chapel was closed, in the 20’s there was a reading room in it. In 1930, the chapel was demolished as “anti-artistic, spoiled the Nevsky fence.” Removing the chapel, it was decided not to restore the central gate. Instead they installed a link of the fence, hanging not a memorable sign about the shot of Karakozov.
Entire XX century Nevskaya fence stood in an altered form – the side gate was located at the central alley of the Summer Garden. In 2012, the Neva fence regained its central gates, and the side gates took their historic places.
The central avenue of the Summer Garden, in the distance the central gate of the Nevsky fence is visible. Photo of 1863-65

Attempted D.V. Karakozov on Alexander II April 4, 1866 at the Summer Garden in St. Petersburg, artist Vasily Griner, 1866

Temporary chapel on the site of the attempt. Photo of 1866

Chapel at the Summer Garden. Photo of 1890-1900
Neva fence of the Summer Garden. Photo 1962-1963

A tablet.