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Maslenitsa week. Tuesday is a payoff.
Tuesday is a payoff.
At dawn the stuffed Carnival was taken to the central place. In St Petersburg, a stuffed pancake plant was installed in the city squares, in city manors it was installed on the Pancake meadow. Around the stuffed dances were arranged, festive festivities. At the head of Petrushka and Maslenitsa grandfather there were performances. Large groups of mummers walked around the streets, driving around familiar homes.
People’s signs for this day:
White fire in the oven promised warm weather, and red – cold.
Weak draft in the furnace promised dampness and slush, and strong – frost.
If the wood in the stove were smoking, hissed and did not want to flare up, you should wait for the thaw.
“Maslenitsa”, V.F. Timm, 1858.

“Folk festivities during the carnival at the Admiralty Square in St. Petersburg”, K.E. Makovsky, the year 1869.

Shrovetide festivities on Semenovskiy parade, photo К.К. Bulla. Late XIX – early XX centuries.