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:Home/Shrovetide week Monday
Shrovetide week Monday
The meeting is the first day of the Shrovetide week. They started to bake pancakes, the first pancake was always given to beggars. Completed booths, ice slides, wooden swings and carousels. They built an effigy of Shrovetide from straw, carried it in a sleigh down the street, and then with songs and dances, they put us in the highest place.
People’s signs for this day:
If the hares come into the gardens – there will be still a harsh winter.
If the wolves howl close to the house – to the frost.
The Bullfinch chirps in a raspy voice – hence, it is worth waiting for the blizzard.
Mice predict a thaw: the day before the temperature rises, they leave the forest litter on the snow.
The heat is foreshadowed and the trees covered with hoarfrost.
The red moon at the Three Saints promises a strong wind; and the wind, in turn, promises a wet year
Damn – pancake bad joke. Shrovetide billboard with a traditional figure of grandfather-barker, 1883.

“Maslenitsa”, A. Brusilov, 1999 year.
A meeting.