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:Home/March 10, 1879, died Vasily Semyonovich Sadovnikov
March 10, 1879, died Vasily Semyonovich Sadovnikov
March 10 (February 26 old style) in 1879 at the age of 79 died a famous watercolorist and a graphic artist Vasily Semyonovich Sadovnikov. The self-taught from the serfs of the princess N.P. Golitsyna, free will only in 1830. Begins drawing, helping his older brother architect Peter Sadovnikov. In 1830-1835 he performed a series of lithographs depicting both sides of Nevsky Prospekt from the Admiralty Square to the Anichkov Bridge (1835), known as the “Panorama of Nevsky Prospekt”. For this work in 1838 Vasily Sadovnikov received the title of a free non-class artist of the Academy of Arts. In 1852 he became an academician of the Academy of Arts.
The views of St. Petersburg and its suburbs on Sadovnikov’s watercolors are distinguished by the exclusive fidelity of the transfer of their architectural features. Watercolors by VS. Sadovnikova are in the collection of paintings of the Russian Museum and the Hermitage.
Vasily Sadovnikov in the 40-50s of the XIX century in watercolors depicts the Mikhailovsky Palace with the Mikhailovsky Garden, the Marble Palace, the Summer Garden.
Panorama of Nevsky Prospekt, fragment. V.S. Sadovnikov, the 1830s.

View of the waterfront and the Marble Palace. V.S. Sadovnikov, 1847 year.

The Mikhailovsky Palace. V.S. Sadovnikov, 1847 year.

Garden facade of the Mikhailovsky Palace. V.S. Sadovnikov, after 1848.

Monument to I.A. Krylov in the Summer Garden. V.S. Sadovnikov, 1855 year.