In the information maelstrom of recent events, April 5 quietly came – the time to celebrate the 316 anniversary of the Summer Garden. We invite everyone in the comments to congratulate the oldest garden of St. Petersburg on its founding day.

“How do you get my letter, please, before time passes, I will not by all means send all kinds of flowers from Izmayilov, but send those with the gardener to Petersburg more than those that smell.” Such an order was received by the head of the Rank Order Tikhon Streshnev from Peter I on March 25, 1704 (according to the Gregorian calendar, this is April 5). From this day the first mention dates back, indicating the beginning of the creation of the royal summer residence – the Summer Garden.

Over the years of its existence, the garden “saw” the assemblies of Peter I, walking along the alleys of imperial persons and spending time with famous writers, composers and artists. At the gates of the Summer Garden encroached on the emperor. The garden survived not one severe flood, survived in revolutionary times, and did not disappear in the horror of the blockade. While remaining a favorite place for walks of citizens and visitors.

The Summer Garden will stand and now, it will open its gates in early May, and bored residents will be able to walk along the alleys. In the meantime, we take the opportunity of modern technology and visit the electronic resources of the gardens of the Russian Museum.

On the group’s wall, stories from the garden’s long life have been repeatedly published. In the future, we will definitely tell you a lot of interesting things.

Do not be ill. We wish you more positive emotions.

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