Today the Summer Garden hosted the Titmouse Day celebration. On this day, the winter season opens for birds, feeders are installed and feeding begins. The gardens of the Russian Museum also prepared for the winter, together with a professional ornithologist and students of the Krestovsky Ostrov Ecological and Biological Center.
In the bosquet “Bird’s Yard” the children solemnly opened a feeder for small feathered friends of the garden. In the Dovecote pavilion, employees of the Russian Museum together with a professional ornithologist, Ph.D. biol. Sci. Berezantseva Maria Sergeevna told the schoolchildren about the wintering birds in the Summer and Mikhailovsky gardens and the rules for feeding them in a fun way. At the end of the event, the children had a master class on making a bird-titmouse using the “origami” technique.
Once again want to remind RULES OF FEEDING OF BIRDS IN THE WINTER!
Universal bird food – raw sunflower seeds (in husks or peeled), you can also use dried berries (rowan, hawthorn), nuts.
In frosts, it is recommended to feed the birds with lard without salt.
Spicy, salty, fried, spoiled and moldy foods, raw rice and rye bread.