Specialists from the gardens of the Russian Museum took part in the registration of birds at the feeders. The prevalence of tits and sparrows in the Summer Garden, and pigeons and crows in the Mikhailovsky Garden was revealed. We ask visitors to attract crows and pigeons to the gardens of the Russian Museum as little as possible. It is for this reason that these species prevail in the Mikhailovsky Garden and there are almost no tits here. We remind you that for small birds the universal nutritious food is not fried or peeled seeds, and food from a person’s table can harm them, up to death.

You can also join the regular Citywide Bird Feeder Census held this weekend by the Directorate of SPNA of St. Petersburg. For details, please see https://vk.com/oopt_spb or http://oopt.spb.ru/
We are grateful to Irina Kondratyeva (member of the St. Petersburg Ornithological Society) for the photos of birds in the gardens of the Russian Museum!