Swans Elisha and Lyubava returned to the Summer Garden
On International Children’s Day, swans Elisha and Lyubava returned to the Carpie Pond of the Summer Garden. They lived all winter in the Leningrad Zoo, and today, on the first day of summer, they were released into the water.

In the Year of the Family, the Governor of St. Petersburg Alexander Beglov, General Director of the Russian Museum Alla Manilova and students of the St. Petersburg Gymnasium “Alma Mater” – talented children who studied all year under the educational program of the Russian Museum “Hello, Museum! ” It is at the exhibition of the Russian Museum and in the Summer Garden that the children develop an interest in the art and history of Russia, an idea of ​​​​the beauty of St. Petersburg and a caring attitude towards nature.

Swans have long become a symbol of the Summer Garden of the Russian Museum, and the solemn ceremony of releasing them into the water is a good tradition of St. Petersburg.

Elisha and Lyubava will remain in the Summer Garden until the first frost and return to the zoo in October.

In 2024, the swans are under the patronage of Bank St. Petersburg.