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:Home/February 2, 1769 Ivan Andreevich Krylov was born.
February 2, 1769 Ivan Andreevich Krylov was born.
2 (13) February 1769 was born Ivan Andreevich Krylov Russian publicist, poet, fabulist, publisher of satirical and educational magazines. Ivan Andreevich liked to walk around the alleys of the Summer Garden with his friends. After the death in 1855 near the main avenue of the Summer Garden a monument to Krylov was erected, the work of the sculptor P.K. Klodt.
Portrait of I.A. Krylov, 1834, the author of I.E. Eggink.

Pushkin, Krylov, Zhukovsky and Gnedich in the Summer Garden, in 1832, by G. Chernetsov.

Monument to I.A. Krylov in the Summer Garden, 1855, author V.S. Sadovnikov.

Monument to I.A. Krylov in the Summer Garden.