Great Tit
(lat. Parus major) – a bird from the tit family, a detachment of passerines.
The tit is distinguished by its black head and neck, conspicuous white cheeks, olive upperparts and yellow underparts, with some variation among the many subspecies. In summer it feeds mainly on small insects and other invertebrates. In winter, it eats a wider range. Like all tits, it nests in hollows and hollows of trees, as well as in various niches of both natural and anthropogenic origin.
The great tit has a rich vocal repertoire – experts distinguish up to 40 variations of the sounds it makes. At the same time, one and the same individual is simultaneously capable of alternating three to five variants, different in rhythm, timbre, relative pitch of sounds and number of syllables.
The formation of cities and human economic activity favorably affected the distribution of this bird – deforestation contributed to an increase in suitable nesting sites, and winter feeding helps to endure lean years. The tit willingly settles in gardens, parks (including urban ones), horticulture, along the outskirts of fields, in forest plantations and olive groves. In winter, it gathers in mixed flocks with other birds and roams in search of food.
During the breeding season, it feeds on small invertebrates and their larvae, destroying a large number of forest pests. Its basis during this period is made up of butterfly caterpillars, spiders, weevils and other beetles, Diptera (flies, mosquitoes, midges) and Hemiptera (bugs, aphids, etc.).
#gardens of the Russian Museum #summer garden #Russian Museum #rusmuseum_gardens #igardens
Raw sunflower seeds (husked or peeled), any nuts, dried berries (rowan, hawthorn)
ATTENTION! Spicy, salty, sweet, fried, spoiled and moldy foods, raw rice and rye bread can be detrimental to birds!
Please DO NOT FEED the crows and pigeons in the gardens!