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:Home/Maslenitsa week. Saturday – zolovkin gatherings
Maslenitsa week. Saturday – zolovkin gatherings
Saturday – zolovkin gatherings.
This day was always considered a family day. In Zolovkin’s gatherings, the newlywed daughter-in-law had to bestow gilded sisters, her husband’s sisters, gifts. On this Sabbath day, young daughter-in-law received family members. They invited the whole family and fed them with pancakes and tea.
People’s signs for this day:
Long dry spruce branches to blizzards bend, to good weather straighten.
If a bird has dreamed on February 17, wait for news.
Dreams of a pig – a hard life test.
“Petersburg: Skating from the mountains on the oil week”, an unknown lithographer, the first quarter of the XIX century.

“Ice mountains on the Neva”, M.F. Damam-Demartre, 1813.

“Admiralty Square during the carnival”, J. Jacotte, 1850’s.