There is a huge variety of herbaceous plants in nature. The area where herbs are extremely widely used is cooking. Everyone knows that various spices added in small quantities to the most ordinary dish can turn it into an exquisite dish. There are a great many spices in the world, so we will focus only on those that are presented in our bosquet “Red Garden”

Sage is good in fatty dishes. It has a fairly strong aroma, and cheese heads are often wrapped in its leaves to give it a more refined smell.
There are more than 20 types of mint, but garden mint is most often used for preparing various dishes, the taste and smell of which are well known to everyone.

Thyme enriches the taste and aroma of soups, broths, borscht and sauces. It serves as a flavoring for cocktails and tea. Dried thyme is used in preserving cucumbers, added to potato and tomato salads, chicken and rice.