Larch is one of the most common coniferous trees in the world. In Siberia, forests consisting entirely of larches occupy vast territories. But why was a coniferous tree called a larch, since it has no leaves, only needles?

This plant, like deciduous trees, sheds all its needles every year for the winter, which is why it got this name. This way it saves energy and protects itself from frostbite, since in the harsh northern conditions it is impossible to withstand the scorching frost of -50 … -70 degrees. However, young larches do not shed their needles for the winter. This behavior indicates that this species was once evergreen, and only acquired this feature in the process of evolution.

Larch trees can be up to 50 meters high, live for 300-400 years, and some – up to 800 years. This plant has the densest wood on the planet. It is very durable, it is impossible to hammer a nail into dried larch boards. Any product made from this wood will serve for centuries – for example, Venice stands on piles made from Siberian larch. However, the percentage of timber harvested from this species is quite small compared to other trees.

Usually, larch is used where special durability is needed – in shipbuilding, in the construction of piers, bridges and dams. In the past, it was used to make railroad sleepers, telegraph poles and was used in the construction of airplanes. Larch products were found in ancient burials 2.5 thousand years old – they not only survived, but became even stronger with time, acquiring the hardness of metal.

In the gardens of the Russian Museum, larch can be found both in the Summer and Mikhailovsky Gardens. When you see larch, remember that this is a very amazing and valuable tree.