(Русский) Итоги 5-летней работы сектором учета и мониторинга садов и зеленых насаждений Русского музея
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Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. [...]
Dear friends ! The team of the Booking.com office in St. Petersburg provided local support to the city's natural and cultural [...]
Exhibition "Roman with the Revolution" in the Museum of Nonconformist Art October 14 at 17:00 in the Museum of Nonconformist [...]
Specialists of the sector of registration and monitoring of green spaces took part in the International Bird Watching Days h [...]
Open days in the studio of the Young Architects' Society! https://vk.com/youngarchsociety Only once a year, everyone can take [...]
Until recently, in the gardens of the Russian Museum, there were trills of a garden falcon, finches, there were many blackbir [...]
Want to know real smell of orange? Hurry to the Summer Garden! Leto 2017 goda ne perestayot udivlyat'. V Letnem sadu v bosket [...]
Do you love Lovecke? Decorative garden of Peter the Great in the Summer Garden, he's a bosquet Red Garden, continues to pleas [...]
The exhibition is a continuation of the project "Public-art about the political history of Russia" and is dedicated to the 10 [...]
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