MINT FIELD – Mentha arvensis L.

Since ancient times it is used as a medicinal and spicy-aromatic plant. Slavs with mint are familiar with antiquity. In Russia, mint, collected in Troitsyn day, girls and young men were put under the pillow to see in the dream of the future bridegroom or bride.
In the aerial part of the plant contains up to 2% of essential oil (Peppermint oil), the main part of which is menthol and various terpenes. Young shoots are used as seasoning for food and for flavoring tea blends, beverages, sauces, confectionery, vinegar. Essential peppermint oil is widely used in medicine as a gastric and analgesic, menthol – in the common cold, migraines, as a disinfectant and analgesic, in the treatment of frostbite, for the production of validol. Mint is included in the soothing charges and bath collection.