On May 22, from 18.00 to 23.00, the Russian Museum will take part in the citywide action “Night of Museums-2021” with the program “What the statues of the Summer Garden are silent about.”

Founded by Peter I in 1704, the Summer Garden was the center of political life, a summer royal residence, a place for court ceremonies and celebrations. In the 19th century, it turned into a favorite place for walks and recreation of the townspeople. A green oasis in the city center with straight alleys, fountains, statues has been an inexhaustible source of inspiration for writers, musicians and artists for the fourth century. “And the procession of shadows does not see the end from the granite vase to the door of the palace,” wrote Anna Akhmatova about the beloved garden of her youth.

Silent statues that inhabit the kingdom of bosquets and fountains continue to preserve the memories of people who have been here and of events long past. Following a route specially designed for the Night of Museums, visitors will get to know some of the sculptures better and learn their secrets.

The expression “silent as a statue” has long been popular among the people. But, nevertheless, the statues can speak. Not the usual human language, but the language of allegory, mythology, history, and also gestures. In the Night of Museums, statues will share their joys and sorrows, fun and melancholy, anxiety and pride. Fragments of musical works will also be used for immersion in history. Able to breathe life into stone statues and evoke many associations, music will serve as a guiding thread, lead through the labyrinth of time, connect the past and the future. The audio guide posted on the izi.TRAVEL platform (available for listening with a gadget with a mobile Internet) will allow you to see the oldest garden in St. Petersburg from a new perspective.

Complementing the original route, at the Zvezda concert venue, in cooperation with the partner of the Russian Museum – St. Petersburg State Budgetary Educational Institution “Petersburg-Concert”, musical performances by such groups as “Esse-Quintet”, the double duet “MaGrIgAl”, “Bis-Kvit” will be organized throughout the evening. “. A cappella band “PlusFive” will also perform in front of the audience.

In the “Night of Museums” the entrance to the Summer Garden will be from Pestel Street, exit – to the embankment of the r. Not you.

Admission by session, electronic tickets are available on the Museum Night website www.artnight.ru and on the Russian Museum website www.rusmuseum.ru.