The sun is getting stronger, the birds are singing more often and the first bulbous flowers are blooming in our gardens. There will be bright flower spots on the lawns. But so that you don’t miss this moment, we will inform you which bulbs are blooming at the moment under the heading #PRIMORFLOWERS

(Galanthus plicatus)
Spring bulbous plant of the Amaryllis family

According to one of the legends, the goddess Flora distributed costumes for the carnival to the flowers and presented the Snowdrop with a white outfit. But Snow also wanted to take part in the carnival, although he was not supposed to wear carnival clothes.
Then he began to ask the flowers to share clothes with him. The flowers were afraid of the cold of the Snow and only the snowdrop agreed to share the dress. Snowdrop and Snow started dancing and have been inseparable ever since.

Snowdrop is the constant companion of the coming Spring.