Fast forward to another garden of the Russian Museum. In the Mikhailovsky Garden a riot of yellow – the lawns were covered with flowering goose onions and spring clean.

These plants of our region are widespread in old gardens and parks. In the spring, especially on a sunny day, they add juicy yellow strokes to the greenery of the garden, feel great on the lawns and do not spoil its appearance in the summer. Because these are ephemeroid plants, vegetating only in spring. And in the summer, the ground part dies away, and the onion – the bulb remains, and in the chistyak – the roots with thickenings.

It is a pity that this year visitors cannot enjoy this beauty, but health is more expensive. Take care of yourself and your loved ones.

We continue to take in the comments photos of plants that you can take within a radius of one hundred meters from your home.

#GardensoftheRussianMuseum #MikhailovskyGarden #summergarden #Russianmuseum #rusmuseum_gardens #igardens