Hazel bushes blossomed in the boskets of the Summer Garden, which means that a phenological spring has begun in St. Petersburg. In this plant, earring inflorescences have been formed since autumn, so hazelnut often blooms during long winter thaws. Usually hazelflower blooms in April, before the leaves bloom, like most wind-pollinated trees and shrubs. Men’s earrings are hanging, with a huge amount of fine yellow pollen. Women’s flowers are small, collected by 2-5 pieces in globular flower buds. During flowering, red cherry stigmas of pistils stick out of them.

Since ancient times, hazelnut fruits have been used in Russia, as well as its dense wood. Large plantations of this shrub were grown in the Moscow gardens of Alexei Mikhailovich, the father of Peter I. Therefore, when creating the Summer Garden at the beginning of the XVIII century, hazelnut was actively used for planting inside bosquets.

The hazel, planted during the restoration of the Summer Garden in 2011, has taken root well and is now actively blooming.