Due to the epidemiological situation this year, on May 1, the gardens of the Russian Museum will not open after drying ... Th [...]
Due to the epidemiological situation this year, on May 1, the gardens of the Russian Museum will not open after drying ... Th [...]
Another meme from the tireless employees of the Russian Museum Gardens Registration and Monitoring Sector. Watching an extrem [...]
In the gardens of the Russian Museum, the number of birds continues to grow. We note the numerous pairs of thrushes of mounta [...]
This meme was proposed by employees of the Russian Museum Museum Accounting and Monitoring Sector, who are constantly working [...]
My elder brother, Russian Museum, starting with the Mikhailovsky Palace! With all my heart, congratulations from your closest [...]
Dear Russian Museum! On behalf of the patriarch of the gardens of St. Petersburg I want to congratulate you on your anniversa [...]
Meanwhile, a dandelion bloomed in the Summer Garden on the blind area, and daffodils blossomed in response to the lawns. Spri [...]
Mikhailovsky Garden is like a steppe - abundantly blooming ephemeroids, and not souls. Crocuses, scylls, hionodoxes, and cann [...]
What will happen in May is not yet clear, but work is underway in preparation for the opening in the garden. Mountains were b [...]
In the Mikhailovsky Garden the liverwort bloomed, as in all the suburbs of St. Petersburg. We wrote about this flowering plan [...]