Last weekend, the final stage of the “All-Russian oak forest of Emperor Peter the Great” was held. The chief curator of the gardens of the Russian Museum – Alekseeva Alexandra Nikolaevna, the director of the museum-reserve Kulikovo field – Gritsenko Vladimir Petrovich and his staff planted 50 oak trees, thereby contributing to the restoration of the landscape Green oak forest on the border of the Kulikovo field.

Green Oakgrove 320 years ago was visited by Peter the Great looking for the place of the legendary battle. In 1702, the Emperor personally branded and ordered to protect as living witnesses of history the surviving oaks of the Green oak forest, in which the ambush regiment of the Russian army, which determined the happy outcome of the battle, was waiting in the wings for the offensive.

On the 26th anniversary of the opening of the museum-reserve on the Kulikovo field, the Russian Museum contributed to the restoration of the historical landscape, in the year of the celebration of the 350th anniversary of Emperor Peter the Great, by donating seedlings from the memorial oak from the Summer Garden to the museum-reserve.