For those who cannot visit the excursion “Gardens of the Russian Museum during the Siege of Leningrad” this year, we offer a virtual version.

During the Great Patriotic War, a military hospital was located in the premises of the Mikhailovsky (Engineering) castle. In it, the soldiers of the Red Army and Red Banner Baltic Fleet were treated after wounds.

In the spring of 1942, the German command developed Operation Eisstoss (Ice Strike). The purpose of this operation is to destroy the ships of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet, which were located on the Neva. The ships were surrounded by ice and could not maneuver, which allowed them to evade aircraft attacks.
The operation began on April 4, 1942, after a prolonged shelling of anti-aircraft batteries and ships. Further, enemy aircraft began raiding the ships’ parking areas.

The counteraction of the anti-aircraft crews of the air defense of Leningrad did not allow German aircraft to carry out aimed bombing at warships. Bomber crews dropped bombs before reaching the target. Therefore, in the residential areas of Leningrad near the Neva, there was great destruction.

On one of the days of Operation Aisstoss, a high-explosive bomb hits the eastern part of the Mikhailovsky Castle and destroys part of the building. The scale of the destruction can be seen in the photograph.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War, the Mikhailovsky Castle was restored. And now there is a branch of the Russian Museum.

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