Cape daisy, African chamomile, osteospermum – a genus of shrubs of the family Compositae, which is mainly distributed in southern Africa (Cape region). The scientific name of the genus Osteospermum L. comes from the words “osteo” (bone) and “spermum” (seed), for seeds that look like seeds.

The first in Europe is the appearance of Osteospermum spinosum L. (Spiny osteospermum). Its seeds are brought from South Africa in 1697. Before Karl Linnaeus, this plant was called Chrysanthemoides osteospermon africanum odoratum spinosum et viscosum. Only in 1753, Linnaeus gave him a modern scientific name. This type of osteosperm did not attract the attention of gardeners and remained only in the collections of botanical gardens.

In the late 1800s, another species of Osteospermum ecklonis (DC.) Norl was imported from South Africa to Europe. Only in 1838, the botanist Augustin De Candol named this plant Dimorphotheca ecklonis DC. He named this species in honor of the Danish botanist Christian Eklon. Then he was transferred to the genus Osteospermum. A perennial semi-shrub plant attracted the attention of gardeners with its decorative flowers and long flowering. And on the basis of this type of osteosperm, numerous varieties were developed that have been widely used in decorative gardening since the 30s of the XIX century. In temperate European countries, Cape daisy is planted as an annual plant. The greenhouses contain uterine plants from which cuttings are cut and rooted. So maintain the appearance of the variety.

Various varieties of osteosperm are planted on the flower beds of the Mikhailovsky Garden as a summer decoration of the garden.

Mikhailovsky Garden is open to visitors. Come for a walk.

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