This year, the summer is warm even earlier, and therefore the most beauty is now in the rose garden of the Mikhailovsky Garden! But not everyone knows why such an amazing collection of roses of various varieties and shades was formed near the Mikhailovsky Palace. The appearance of these flower beds is directly related to the Imperial Gardens of Russia festival, which the Russian Museum held from 2008 to 2018.

It was then that the tradition of planting roses by honorary guests of the festival appeared, including Her Highness The Princess of Kent; ex-governor of St. Petersburg Valentina Ivanovna Matvienko; Princess Marie Sol de La Tour d’Auvergne, vice-president of the Foundation for Gardens and Parks of France, and many others. Maria Mikhailovna Kopyeva, President of the Art Line Foundation and constant friend of the Russian Museum, came up with this “pink tradition”.

We remind you that the Summer Garden is closed on Tuesdays. We invite everyone to the Mikhailovsky Garden to admire the flowering of roses.