The annual holiday “Titmouse Day”, which is celebrated in Russia in November, was established on the initiative of the Russian Bird Conservation Union in order to attract people’s attention to tits, blue tits, bullfinches, jays and other birds wintering in northern latitudes. The festival marks the beginning of the winter season for birds.

Participants in the event in the Summer Garden were students from Boarding School No. 1 named after. K. K. Grota with visual impairment. In the lecture hall of the Dovecote pavilion in the Poultry Yard bosquet, children were told about the history of the Titmouse Day holiday, about the birds wintering in the gardens of the Russian Museum, and the rules for feeding them. The children got acquainted with various types of seeds and grains preferred by birds, as well as rowan berries, hawthorn, euonymus, etc. The staff of the Russian Museum reminded that food should be placed in those feeders that constantly hang in the gardens.

During a walk through the Summer Garden, the boarding school students were able to tactilely examine bird nests, as well as hang “treats” they had prepared for the birds in different parts of the garden and pour grain mixture into the feeder of the “Bird Yard” bosquet, recreated from historical images.

The main character, as always, on this holiday in the gardens of the Russian Museum, was the tit. The children were introduced to the characteristics of this popular bird in the city.

The event was held with the support of PJSC Severstal, Charitable Foundation “Dobrota Severa”, JSC Power Machines, LLC Lenta, Nordgold, LLC SVEZA-Les.