The name comes from the combination of two English words: “mix” – “to mix” and “border” – “border”. Reception of flower garden decoration without a clear, regular arrangement of plants, typical for landscape gardens. In a mixborder, the curtain of one plant smoothly passes into the planting of another, this creates the effect of naturalness. With the correct selection of perennial and annual plants, the mixborder remains decorative throughout the growing season. Flower beds of a similar plan can be located next to the path. Then low plants are used, which can be admired up close. If you need to decorate the depth of the garden, then distant view mixborders are created. They use tall perennial plants and brightly flowering annuals. Shrub curtains emphasize mixborders that are distant from the tracks.

Mixborders are widely represented in the Mikhailovsky Garden. Next year, be sure to visit the Mikhailovsky Garden and admire its flower beds. Now take a look at the July photos.
Enjoy your walks in the gardens of the Russian Museum. Even in this pre-winter time, they are beautiful.

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