Three days later, the Summer Garden will open for visiting, and you can walk along the alleys, listen to the murmur of founta [...]
Three days later, the Summer Garden will open for visiting, and you can walk along the alleys, listen to the murmur of founta [...]
There are four days left until the Summer Garden opens its doors to visitors. And now the answer to the botanical riddle. Thi [...]
At the Mikhailovsky Castle, roses "Les Four Saisons" bloomed - a gift from the French castle Amboise. Groundcover repairing r [...]
Cape daisy, African chamomile, osteospermum - a genus of shrubs of the family Compositae, which is mainly distributed in sout [...]
On July 9, 1959, Anna Akhmatova wrote a poem: I want roses, in that one garden Where the best in the world is made of fences [...]
Two photos of the Summer Garden. The first is the end of the 60s of the XIX century. The second is our time. If you look at t [...]
Tomorrow will open the Mikhailovsky Garden. Many citizens are already looking forward to meeting their favorite garden. It wi [...]
Not everyone will be able to visit the Mikhailovsky Garden tomorrow. Someone will come to visit him for the weekend. And for [...]
We continue to talk about plants growing on the beds of the Red Garden bosquet. The hero of our conversation is the chisel, h [...]
Yesterday we talked about the plants of the Red Garden, and today our story is about plants growing in the flower gardens of [...]