DEDICATED TO THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE GREAT VICTORY In 1944, much was done to restore the Summer and Mikhailovsky Gardens [...]
DEDICATED TO THE 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE GREAT VICTORY In 1944, much was done to restore the Summer and Mikhailovsky Gardens [...]
GARDENS OF THE RUSSIAN MUSEUM 1944 In January 1944, the fascist blockade of Leningrad was completely lifted. On January 27, a [...]
On the lawns of the Summer Garden, in addition to chistyak and goose bows, anemone is now actively blooming. So the people si [...]
The garden is a joyful event - sculptures are free from winter shelters. Even at the time of Anna Ioannovna, realizing that m [...]
Fast forward to another garden of the Russian Museum. In the Mikhailovsky Garden a riot of yellow - the lawns were covered wi [...]
In the silence of the summer garden's bosquets, where only birds are currently walking, yellow flowers have blossomed. These [...]
Mosses are one of the oldest plants on Earth and have been able to adapt to life in a variety of conditions. Their well-known [...]
We all admire beautiful butterflies, count the points on the wings of ladybugs, and know that there are harmful insects. But [...]
Celebrations in early May in the gardens and parks of St. Petersburg became popular at the end of the XIX century. The townsp [...]
Again, a meme from the staff of the Accounting and Monitoring Sector of the Gardens of the Russian Museum. Many people like m [...]